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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Cuba, DIVEP, equipment, commercial production

Camagüey company at the forefront of economic recovery

Camagüey, Nov. 30.- In advance of the scheduled date, the Base Business Unit (UEB) Equipment and Parts Sales Division (DIVEP) fulfilled its commercial production plan for this year.

Walfredo Yordi Manso, director of the entity, said that they have already exceeded the projected 146 million pesos, a figure that represents growth with respect to what was achieved in the previous calendar.

He specified that this volume of product marketing has allowed him to achieve a profit of over seven million pesos, which results in better salaries for workers.

Success has been possible due to the unity and joint actions of the group to, even with resource limitations, collect merchandise and market it in different places.

The men and women of the UEB Equipment and Parts Sales Division of Camagüey aspire to close December with sales of around 200 million pesos. (Rodolfo Medina Hechavarría/Radio Camagüey) (Photo: File)

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