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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Categoria Culture

 Buena Fe sings to dance, to life and to Cuba
Buena Fe sings to dance, to life and to Cuba

Havana, Sep 21.- The Cuban duo Buena Fe overflows with beauty to sing about dance, life and Cuba, from an audiovisual where such majestic art pulsates, Quién Olvidó, available today on their YouTube channel.

Casa de las Américas hosts dialogue on the Cuban Revolution
Casa de las Américas hosts dialogue on the Cuban Revolution

Havana, Sep 20.- «The external projection of the Cuban Revolution: Looks at its 65th anniversary» was the focus of the dialogue between specialists held today in the Casa de la Américas, this capital, headed by its president, Abel Prieto.

Ballet of Camagüey returns to Sancti Spiritus’s Theater
Ballet of Camagüey returns to Sancti Spiritus’s Theater

Sancti Spíritus, Sep 19.- With a diverse program that ranges from neoclassical and classical to more contemporary productions, the Ballet of Camagüey will offer several presentations from today at the Teatro Principal in this city, an opportunity that serves, in turn, to enhance the approach with the students of the Ernesto Lecuona Elementary School of Art.

Russian Cinema Exhibition 2024 to be held in Cuba
Russian Cinema Exhibition 2024 to be held in Cuba

Havana, September 18.- The 2024 Russian Film Festival will open on September 19 at 7:00 pm, with the screening of the film La Moscow Clandestina at the Charles Chaplin Cinema in Havana.

Brazilian writer Leonardo Boff asks to remove Cuba from the US list
Brazilian writer Leonardo Boff asks to remove Cuba from the US list

Brazil, Sep 17.- The Brazilian writer Leonardo Boff today supports the open letter of the Franco-Spanish journalist Ignacio Ramonet addressed to the president of the United States, Joe Biden, to demand the exclusion of Cuba from the list of States sponsoring terrorism.

Camagüey’s Theater Festival: date, works and dreams
Camagüey’s Theater Festival: date, works and dreams

Camagüey, Sep 16. - The National Council of the Performing Arts has officially confirmed the holding of Camagüey’s National Theater Festival, from November 14 to 24, according to a note published on its Cubaescena portal.

Cuba's Contemporary Dance, Legacy and Innovation
Cuba's Contemporary Dance, Legacy and Innovation

Havana, Sept 14.- September 25 will mark the 65th anniversary of the father of modern dance in Cuba, Ramiro Guerra, founding the Modern Dance Complex of the National Theatre, which became the company Danza Contemporánea de Cuba. Directed for 39 years by the teacher Miguel Iglesias, he continues to defend the legacy and bet on innovation in favor of the development of dance, art in general, and Cuban culture.

CubeArt Festival to celebrate 65 years of Contemporary Dance of Cuba
CubeArt Festival to celebrate 65 years of Contemporary Dance of Cuba

Havana, Sept 13.- The CubeArt Festival will celebrate the 65 years of Contemporary Dance of Cuba (DCC) with an intense program, which will run from 15 to 29 this month at the National Theatre, its organizers confirmed today.

Cuba at United Nations International Cultures Forum
Cuba at United Nations International Cultures Forum

Havana, Sep.- The Cuban delegation headed by the head of culture, Alpidio Alonso, participates today in the X International Forum of United Cultures in the Russian city of St. Petersburg, met Prensa Latina today.

Writers and artists from Cuba and China for increasing cooperation
Writers and artists from Cuba and China for increasing cooperation

Havana, 12 Sep.- The Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (Uneac) and the Federation of Literary Circles and Artists of China (Cflac) signed a cooperation agreement aimed at strengthening cultural relations.

Enthusiasm in Sancti Spíritus for the reopening of the theater with Camagüey’s Ballet
Enthusiasm in Sancti Spíritus for the reopening of the theater with Camagüey’s Ballet

Camagüey, September 11.- Destined for Sancti Spíritus, the Camagüey Ballet assumes the task of reopening the Principal Theater of that city, on September 19, 20 and 21, with a concert program that promises to delight the local public and mark a historic moment.

A blow of hope (+ Photos)
A blow of hope (+ Photos)

Camagüey, September 10.- As part of the activities of the Golpe a Golpe Project (Blow to Blow) at the Café Literario la Comarca, the Esperanza Duo was presented this Monday, made up of Rober García Álvarez and Yanet de la Caridad Rodríguez González, two young dancers with the status of Down syndrome.