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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, retirees, Provincial Pharmacy and Optical Company, event, Pharmaceutical Worker's Day

Retirees from Pharmacies and Opticians of Camagüey share scientific experiences (+ Photos)

Camagüey, Nov. 15.- This Tuesday a meeting of retirees from the Provincial Pharmacy and Optical Company was held. This event was organized as part of the celebrations for the Pharmaceutical Worker's Day, which is celebrated on November 22.

During the meeting they had the opportunity to exchange ideas, anecdotes and messages of encouragement for the new generations.

In addition, Herminia Surís Varona, who dedicated 45 years to the Camagüey entity and led important areas such as the technical and quality department, shared some experiences from her performance as a technologist in the laboratory and promoter of Imefasma, the most in-demand syrup for respiratory and respiratory conditions. that has proven effectiveness.

Currently known as Herbals 4, its use shows excellent results in pediatric ages and shows how much can be achieved given the limitations of the industry for the production of anti-allergy and other medications that today find relief in natural and traditional medicine.

The meeting also discussed the daily search for alternatives, the link with universities and the use of science and innovation to face the consequences of the genocidal blockade imposed by the United States government on the Island. (Text and photos: Gladys Dailyn Morera Cordero/Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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