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Categoria World

Haiti’s crisis impacts all areas
Haiti’s crisis impacts all areas

United Nations, April 26.- Violence in Haiti causes a crisis with political, humanitarian and security dimensions that impacts all areas, said Carl Skau, deputy executive director of the World Food Program (WFP).

Pramyla Jayapal: remove Cuba from the terrorist list
Pramyla Jayapal: remove Cuba from the terrorist list

Washington, April 26.- United States Congresswoman Pramyla Jayapal advocated removing Cuba from the list of sponsors of terrorism, whose designation, she stated, today profoundly limits its ability to function as a country.

Actions against Cubana de Aviación are condemned in Argentina
Actions against Cubana de Aviación are condemned in Argentina

Buenos Aires, April 25.- Intellectuals, unions and newspapers today condemned the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States and the refusal of local fuel suppliers to supply Cubana de Aviación, which caused the suspension of flights to Argentina.

 United Nations humanitarian envoy calls for a paradigm shift in aid to Gaza
United Nations humanitarian envoy calls for a paradigm shift in aid to Gaza

United Nations, April 25.- The United Nations humanitarian coordinator for Gaza, Sigrid Kaag, called for a paradigm shift for the entry of humanitarian assistance to the enclave given the immense needs of the civilian population trapped in the conflict.

 Dominica together with Cuba in the fight against the United States blockade
Dominica together with Cuba in the fight against the United States blockade

Caracas, April 24.- The Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, today demonstrated his permanent support for Cuba as it fights for the cessation of the economic, financial and commercial blockade of the United States, by denouncing the damage of that coercive policy.

The United States approves millionaire military aid for conflictive allies
The United States approves millionaire military aid for conflictive allies

Moscow , April 24.- The president of the United States, Joe Biden, approved this Wednesday the $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, after months of stagnation in the country's Congress due to political divisions.

Israel uses neutrality as a pretext, says UNRWA chief
Israel uses neutrality as a pretext, says UNRWA chief

United Nations, April 24.- The attacks against UNRWA are not motivated by issues of neutrality, but rather by stripping Palestinians of their refugee status, warned the commissioner general of that organization, Philippe Lazzarini.

United Nations does not rule out crimes against humanity in Gaza
United Nations does not rule out crimes against humanity in Gaza

Geneva, April 23.- The spokesperson for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Ravina Shamdasani, did not rule out that, in addition to war crimes, crimes against humanity have also been committed in the Strip. from Gaza and Israel.

Child protection in Haiti faces catastrophic crisis
Child protection in Haiti faces catastrophic crisis

United Nations, April 23.- The director of the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef), Catherine Russell, described the situation of children in Haiti as catastrophic, who face a protection crisis.

Gaza Solidarity Camp continues at Columbia University
Gaza Solidarity Camp continues at Columbia University

Washington, April 22.- Groups of protesters gathered in front of the American University of Columbia in New York in support of the students of the center who maintain the Solidarity Camp with Gaza.

Chileans in Valparaíso express solidarity with Cuba and Palestine (+ Photo)
Chileans in Valparaíso express solidarity with Cuba and Palestine (+ Photo)

Santiago de Chile, April 21.- Dozens of people held a rally in the Plaza de la Victoria, in the Chilean city of Valparaíso, where they expressed their solidarity with the people of Cuba and Palestine, victims today of blockades and imperialist aggression.

Government of Ecuador militarizes hydroelectric plants
Government of Ecuador militarizes hydroelectric plants

Quito, April 20.- The Government of Ecuador ordered the militarization of the country's hydroelectric plants in the midst of the crisis facing the sector.