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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

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Cuban President celebrates Julian Assange's release from prison
Cuban President celebrates Julian Assange's release from prison

Havana, June 25 - Cuban president Miguel Díaz-Canel celebrated from his account in X the freedom of Australian journalist Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks.

Ministry of Health confirms presence of Oropouche virus in Cuba
Ministry of Health confirms presence of Oropouche virus in Cuba

Havana, June 25 - The Ministry of Public Health of Cuba confirmed the presence of the Oropouche virus in 9 provinces and 23 municipalities, based on samples studied in the national reference laboratory of the Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine.

Pronouncement in Camagüey on the media war against Cuba
Pronouncement in Camagüey on the media war against Cuba

Camagüey, June 25 - Strengthening the functioning, political and ideological work and unity were pronounced by the delegates to the end-of-term Assembly of the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution (ACRC) in the Joaquín de Agüero District of this municipality.

Cuba: PCC plenary session to analyze food production, crime control
Cuba: PCC plenary session to analyze food production, crime control

Havana, June 24 - Food production and crime control will be on the agenda of the 8th Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), to be held on July 5 and 6, Granma newspaper informed on Monday.

Traditional San Juan Camagüeyano begins (+ Photos)
Traditional San Juan Camagüeyano begins (+ Photos)

Camagüey, June 24 - The traditional reading of the bando kicked off the celebrations of San Juan Camagüeyano in the capital of Camagüey, a festivity that dates back almost three centuries and encapsulates the essence of its inhabitants.

Priorities for the next school year identified in Camagüey
Priorities for the next school year identified in Camagüey

Camagüey, June 24 - Enhancing the political and ideological work, strengthening training, improvement and attention to the workforce and raising the quality of the educational teaching process will be among the work priorities of the educational sector of the capital city of Camagüey.

Italian students raise their voices to support Cuba
Italian students raise their voices to support Cuba

Rome, June 22 - The Network of High School Students, one of the largest Italian youth groups, on Saturday again raised its voice to support Cuba, and strongly condemned the unilateral measures imposed by the U.S. government.

Cuban sports official denounces effects of US blockade
Cuban sports official denounces effects of US blockade

Havana, June 21 - The director of International Relations at the Cuban Sports Institute (INDER), Gisleidy Sosa, stated that on Thursday that in recent months, the sector has been affected by more than three million dollars in damage as a result of the United States blockade.

Cuban foreign minister congratulates International Press Center
Cuban foreign minister congratulates International Press Center

Havana, June 21 - Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez on Friday congratulated the group and founders of the International Press Center (CPI), on the occasion of its 45th anniversary.

Novel molecule created in Cuba achieves patent in New Zealand
Novel molecule created in Cuba achieves patent in New Zealand

Havana, June 21 - The compound JM-20, obtained by the Center for Research and Development of Medicines (Cidem) of Cuba, was granted the registration of a patent in New Zealand for its use in the Parkinson’s disease.

 Water Resources prioritizes investment in Pontezuela reservoir in Camagüey (+ Photos)
Water Resources prioritizes investment in Pontezuela reservoir in Camagüey (+ Photos)

Camagüey, June 20 - The implementation of new pumping systems and the completion of a new pipeline are part of the investment process being carried out at the Pontezuela reservoir station in Camagüey, with the aim of improving water supply to the population.

Youth Journalism Contest in Camagüey
Youth Journalism Contest in Camagüey

Camagüey, June 20 - The Union of Cuban Journalists (Upec) in Camagüey announces the Youth Journalism Provincial Contest "Yurislenia Pardo Ortega" In Memoriam, to pay tribute to this colleague, who during more than a decade in which she practiced journalism deserved several awards and stood out for the quality of her materials in the Radio and the newspaper Adelante.